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Davis County Mosquito Abatement District

85 North 600 West Kaysville, UT 84037

The Mosquito Abatement District-Davis County (MAD-D)
started its mosquito control program in 1951
under the direction of the health department.
Two employees were hired to conduct the spray program.
The District equipment consisted of two backpack sprayers
and transportation was one horse and a motorcycle.
The MAD-D was formed as a special service district in 1953.
The MAD-D has grown considerably since its beginning
with many changes yet to take place to meet the
increasing demands in mosquito control.

Most people see mosquito control as the "fogging truck"
that drives through their neighborhood early in the morning
or late evening spraying for adult mosquitoes.
This part of our operation is actually only about 25%-30%
of our control efforts. The majority of our work takes
place out on the wetlands spraying for mosquito larvae in the water.
The larvae are treated by hand sprayers, ATVs, and by airplane.
The primary product used for larval control in is called BTI.
This is a biological product that is environmentally friendly and effective.
BTI is more difficult and costly to use,
but the effort to reduce the impact on the environment is a priority to the MAD-D.

Call 801-544-3736, Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. for more information



Contact Details

Gary Hatch  

Phone (801) 544-3736