Special Service Districts - Statutes
In addition to the provisions of Title 17D, Special Service Districts are subject to certain general provisions found in Title 17B-1. The following language from 17D-1-106 references the parts of 17B-1 that also apply to SSDs.
17D-1-106. Special service districts subject to other provisions.
(1) A special service district is, to the same extent as if it were a local district, subject to and governed by:
(a) Sections 17B-1-105 (name change) , 17B-1-107 (recording a release of lien), 17B-1-108 (procurement of design professional services), 17B-1-110 (Nepotism) , 17B-1-111 (impact fee resolution) , 17B-1-112 (publishing district information in telephone directory) , 17B-1-113 (Liability Insurance) , 17B-1-116 (Property exempt from taxation and execution) , 17B-1-118 (Local district hookup fee - preliminary design or site plan from a specific public agency.) , 17B-1-119 (Duty to comply with local land use provisions) , 17B-1-120 (Exactions - exaction for water interest - retirement to offer to original owner property acquired by exaction) , and 17B-1-121 (Limit on fees - requirement to itemize and account for fees - appeals) ; 17B-1-304 (Appointment procedures for appointed members), 17B-1-307 (Annual compensation- per diem compensation - participation in group insurance plan - reimbursement of expenses) , 17B-1-310 (Quorum of board of trustees - meetings of the board) , 17B-1-311 (Board member prohibited from district employment), 17B-1-312 (Training for board members) , 17B-1-313 (Publication of notice of board resolution or action - contest period - No contest after contest period), and 17B-1-314 (Compelling attendance at board meetings) ;
(b) Subsections:
(i) 17B-1-301 (3) and (4); and
(ii) 17B-1-303 (1), (2)(a) and (b), (3), )4), (5), (6), (7), and (9) (Term of board of trustees members - Oath of office _ Bond - Notice of b board member contact information);
(c) Section 20A-1-512 (Midterm vacancies on district boards) ;
(d) Title 17B, Chapter 1, Part 6 , Fiscal Procedures for Local Districts; (all sections of part 6, 601 through 645, as of 2019)
(e) Title 17B, Chapter 1, Part 7 , Local District Budgets and Audit Reports; (all sections of part 7, 701 through 703, as of 2019)
(f) Title 17B, Chapter 1, Part 8 , Local District Personnel Management; and (all sections of part 8, 801 through 805, as of 2019)
(g) Title 17B, Chapter 1, Part 9 , Collection of Service Fees and Charges. (all sections of part 9, 901 through 906, as of 2019)
(2) For purposes of applying the provisions listed in Subsection (1) to a special service district, each reference in those provisions to the local district board of trustees means the governing body.
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